How Does Breathing Affect Sex Life

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How does breathing affect your sex life? As it turns out, a lot. There are two mistakes one can make while having sex- breathing too quickly or not at all. While you won't necessarily need to pay attention to your breathing in everyday life, it becomes an important factor when you're in the act of lovemaking. Why is that? Because breathing pace affects cardiac rhythm, and cardiac rhythm plays a huge role in the ejaculation process. One good example is when we run; breathing quickly increases cardiac rhythm to the upper levels, and breathing in a controlled pace slows it down. In the act of sex, a person having a high cardiac rhythm is one that's rapidly approaching ejaculation. So if you're looking for a way to not ejaculate quickly, you…show more content…
Control your breathing. Once you master it, you'll be able to become harder, last longer in bed and reach new climax levels. Oh, and the more oxygen you get, the higher the sensation during sex. Experts recommend deep breathing during sexual intercourse because it gives couples a sense of euphoria. In short, the more deeply you breathe, the more you feel and the greater the sex becomes. Men, a word of advice here. If you want to be better in the bedroom, you'll have to relax and take full control of how you breathe. Yogis and meditation experts claim that breathing is the key to unlocking the secrets of your body, and this includes the quality of…show more content…
Maximizing the presence of oxygen during sex increases circulation, which leads to an effective sexual response. More blood flow passing through the sex organ makes for better orgasms. If you're holding back on breathing because you're conscious of the sounds you make during intercourse, don't. Dial back and concentrate on just breathing to achieve a higher plane of orgasm. Remember that slow breaths bring in more oxygen, and more oxygen makes blood flow better, leading to more intense and numerous orgasmic

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