Psycho Psychological Insomnia

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Psycho physiological Insomnia Insomnia, in simple terms, is having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep through the night. This can also be episodic; they can come and go depending on your level of insomnia. These episodes can sometimes be described as when you wake up not feeling restored or rejuvenated. There are three different kinds of episodes: transient which lasts less than one month; short term lasts between one to six months; and there is chronic insomnia that lasts more than six months. According to NSF polls dating back to 1999, over half of America’s adults experience one or more symptoms of insomnia at least a few nights a week. In 2005, the following percentages of adults reported having the following symptoms this often:…show more content…
Most of the studies on treating insomnia have been done with people who have primary insomnia. Co-morbid insomnia is when insomnia exists in conjunction with another medical or psychiatric condition. Co-morbid insomnia does not have to be caused by or change with the co-existing disorder. The diagnosis of primary insomnia has been renamed insomnia disorder to avoid the differentiation of primary and secondary insomnia. The DSM V distinguishes narcolepsy which now is known to be associated with hypo cretin deficiency, from other forms of hypersomolence. (DSM V) It states that females are more prone to develop insomnia than males. This can be associated with the birth of a new child or from…show more content…
The optimal sleep goal is seven to eight hours per night for most people. Without enough sleep, you may not think as clearly or function at your best. Insomnia is also associated with serious medical conditions such as anxiety, depression, obesity and diabetes. There are certain groups of people who are at increased risk for the development of insomnia in comparison to others. It has already been noted that people who are experiencing stressful situations or medical conditions. Individuals who have very irregular sleep-wake schedules weaken the signals from the circadian clock regulating sleep and

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