Classical Utilitarianism

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The criterion of good and pain is in a balance between the happiness of the making of decisions and the consequences of its result, that is, my principle of happiness ceases to be at the moment when the happiness of another individual or the greatest number is diminished of individuals of a society or community, we could say that the utilitarianism is the continuation of the Roman legislation, and that its modern aspect is found in the fact that the utilitarian doctrine adds a dimension, whether economic, legislative and political towards an Ethical concept, that of happiness and well-being. The theorists of the classical utilitarianism were english philosophers like Jeremy Bentham or John Stuart Mill. For them what makes good or bad an…show more content…
Euthanasia has long been used by physicians, its purpose is to alleviate the pain of the patient who is suffering from a painful illness. This applies if the patient wants it and along with his family accepts, applying the Bentham’s Felicific Calculus. This is an algorithm formulated by Jeremy Bentham, to calculate the degree of happiness that causes a specific action, and therefore of moral rectitude. It is also known by utilitarian calculation, it is one of the main objectives of the theory of the social choice. It was proposed by Bentham as part of its project to make moral standards suitable for scientific treatment. Since the classical utilitarian considered that the righteousness of an action was a function of the benefits of its consequences, and that the benefits of a state were in function of the happiness that they contained the medicine and technology have advanced in parallel a reason that gives the option of extending life for those patients who suffer from a deadly…show more content…
Along with this development came about methods that alleviate the suffering of the patient with severe illness; for example, the euthanasia that offering the option to avoid more psychological and physical injury to the patient; however, when you find yourself in a situation of continuous suffering due to some sickness, you cannot call it life., it is then that euthanasia appears as a pious way to those who no longer wish to continue with the suffering caused by their sickness. If applying to patient’s drugs or sedatives to alleviate their pain is legal, if they voluntarily refuse to go through treatments or operations that only manage to lengthen the time left for a patient to die is legal. Why do we do so much emphasis when we talk about euthanasia? If in the previous examples, we refer to indirect euthanasia and passive direct euthanasia respectively. Are you really against euthanasia or are you just afraid to end the life of another human being? It is worth highlighting how selfish it is to really do, nothing to see that someone is suffering even knowing that you have the means to avoid

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