Lorze River Case Study

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Introduction The Lorze river, is an important tributary river of the river Reuss one of the four biggest rivers in Switzerland. However due to capacity problems of the water treatment plant, when exposed to large amounts of precipitation, the raw sewage will flood and cause the stored waste, including feces, toilet-paper-sheets and whatever one flushes away, to be exposed to the river. Although inevitable, one can assume that this signifies noticeable changes in the system of the river. The water treatment plant is located in the outskirts of Hünenberg, Switzerland. Established in 1981, the plant has gone through many floods when exposed to heavy and long rainfall, causing the overflow of raw sewage when the system is exposed to these periods of excessive rainfall. The polluted water in the water treatment plant is subject to all forms of water treatment, meaning the plant practices primary-, secondary-, and tertiary treatment in order to cleans the contaminated water. With climate change increasing every year, there is heightened chance of a more and heavier precipitation in Switzerland. This means that with the…show more content…
Eutrophication is the enrichment of an ecosystem with nutrients, such phosphorous and nitrogen. The pollution enriches the water and overloads it, resulting in the rapid growth of aquatic plants, such as algae, and bacteria. The increase in organisms results in the oxygen depletion of the water body. 1.2. Oxygen Depletion In every water body, there is only a limited amount of oxygen available. As the amount of organisms increases, less oxygen is available to other organisms. This makes the water body unsuitable to other organisms, including fish, to live in, resulting in individuals and ultimately entire populations. 1.3. Impacts on Food

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