How Did Joseph Stalin Rise To Power

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The ruthless, yet successful dictator of the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin transformed the Soviet Union into a world superpower. Stalin’s reign of power endured for 24 years, lasting from 1929-1953 ( While dominant, Joseph ruled by terror, resulting in millions of Soviet casualties ( After overthrowing Lenin and becoming Lenin’s successor, Stalin’s brutal approach directed the Red Army into World War II. During the war, Stalin aligned the USSR with the Allied powers, resulting in the defeat of Nazi Germany and the Imperial Japan Empire. Following the war, the Soviet Union engaged in a political battle with the West, known as the Cold War. Stalin’s brutal leadership propelled the Soviet Union into a…show more content…
As soon as October, the Russian people overthrew the existing government and the rebellions became known as the Russian Revolution. Stalin, the “man of steel,” pounced on the opportunity to become the general secretary of the Communist Party, granting Stalin control over party member appointments ( As expected, Stalin used his position to his advantage by whittling through prevailing party members. In a short period of time, “nearly all members of the central command owed their positions to him” ( Shortly after Djugashvili’s abuse and corruption of power, Vladimir Lenin died in 1924 (Hingley). As anticipated, the “man of steel’s” abuse of power grew exponentially with Stalin exiling political enemies to Europe or the Americas, including fierce political rival, Leon Trotsky ( To fill the open positions, Joseph Stalin appointed political members with aligned views. Stalin teamed with the right leaders, Bukharin and Rykov in order to defeat his left rivals, Zinoviev and Kamenev ( Soon, Zinoviev and Kamenev would be deported and executed followed by Bukharin and Rykov (Hingley). Stalin continued his rise to power by engaging a policy that including the seizing of land from peasants and collective farms ( This “reduced the peasants back to serfs” and forced millions into forced labor ( Stalin then accelerated the industrialization of the Soviet Union, achieving great successes at the expense of human life and environmental concerns ( These policies are responsible for an estimate of 10 million casualties (Hingley). Joseph Stalin’s five-year plan, a plan intended to “transform the Soviet Union from a peasant society to an industrial superpower,” included citizens spying on one another in
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