Mencius View That Man Is Innately Good Summary

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Mencius's View That Man Is Innately Good Mencius is a Chinese Philosopher, statesman, novelist and a poet who was recognized mostly during the development of the Confucianism in West. His Chinese name is Meng Tzu. He was a philosopher at a time when there were great wars between states, which made up China. Being the 371 – 289 BCE, the philosophers are rather traditional and rely mainly on the ancient rites. The philosophers of this time are concentrating on human nature to discuss the behaviors of different people. The Confucians are stereotyping human beings to be the same, as they are all a part of the human nature. The use of metaphors, rhetoric questions and similes in the reading selection is fascinating, as it is bringing reality and understanding. In this regard, this thesis seeks to show the perspective of human nature by the Mencius and Confucianism philosophers and the styles used.…show more content…
Mencius explains to contradict Master Kao, who believes in the fact that human nature is an open book. The use of a song in the writing is fascinating as a way to further add interest in the work and emphasize the points earlier discussed. Mencius uses the song to emphasize the fact that human beings have their inborn potential, which if not discovered and developed, one loses it completely. Metaphor grows visualization in the reading selection, which affects the readers understanding positively. By using two seeds on the same ground, Mencius can explain human nature to be inherently good, only that people are exposed to different situations hence growing to be different in the end. Like the forest in Ox Mountain, near a city is brought down, while the other uncut part of the forest is subjected to rain hence growing and prospering. It is clear that human beings are human because of their humanity and duty, but tampered with the different external

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