Weimar Republic Dbq Essay

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At the end of WW1, Europe found itself in a state of destruction and disillusionment. Having witnessed the absolute horror of total war, people didn’t trust the governments that started these battles. In addition, the extreme economic instability, characterized by hyperinflation in Germany, which basically took away the value of money, added to this distrust. People needed new leaders. The unreliable and unproductive Weimar republic and its myriad of political parties was not good for the popularity of democracy, and German citizens yearned for strong leadership. The agenda of totalitarian leaders broke down democratic ideals in the 1930’s by creating a system where dangerous tools of propaganda, indoctrination, and both institutional and extrajudicial…show more content…
In order to unite the German people effectively using propaganda, the chief of Nazi propaganda Joseph Goebbels forged a common enemy out of the Jews. In Document C, for example, he claims that, “The Jew is the cause and the beneficiary of our misery...He has made two halves of Germany,” blaming them for the loss of the war, and for having, “corrupted our race, fouled our morals, undermined our customs, and broken our power.” As said here, unity of Germans was a driving virtue and structural component for the rhetoric of the Nazi Party. Joseph Goebbels, with the highest position in curating this rhetorical propaganda, uses the division and distress of the German people from war and hyperinflation to project an image of severe enmity upon the Jewish people both as a group and as individuals. Goebbels refers to Jews as “he”, as if to assign complicity to each individual Jew. This creates an imperative for Germans and concentration camp guards to treat each and every Jew as the enemy, which breaks down the democratic ideals of liberty and life, as the life and liberty of this “enemy” was then threatened by

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