Nationalism Comparative Analysis

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COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF NATIONALISM BASED ON THE PERSPECTIVES OF JOSEPH STALIN AND MIKHAIL GORBACHEV This research paper is presented to: Emma Delgado Allysia Michelle Castillo DEUSTAT-C A52 DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY 2401 Taft Ave., Malate, Manila Introduction: “Nationalism,” as defined by the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, is “generally used to describe two phenomena: 1.) The attitude that the members of a nation have when they care about their national identity, and 2.) The actions that the members of a nation take when seeking to achieve (or sustain) self-determination.” (Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, 2001) To put it simply, nationalism is the emerging awareness of a country to change…show more content…
It abolished the market economy of the NEP or the New Economic Policy which confirmed the private ownership of agriculture and ended the “hated grain requisitioning of War communism.” (Crouch, 1989) Stalin substituted the free market in agriculture and private enterprise and replaced it with a highly centralized system of economy by setting prices of the goods in the market inflexibly, ordering enterprises to maximize outputs at any cost and to fulfil the plans laid down by his state planning committee, Gosplan. By pursuing a state-centred approach to govern the Soviet Union, he was able to transform it from an agrarian society into a highly industrialized society. But the costs of his actions were as great as his achievements, and his overall implementations of policies became forced or organised chaos at the expense of his citizens. (Crouch, 1989) A scholar described the country as “one vast nomadic labour camp.” Wage rates doubled, but the prices of commodities tripled, taxes increased and the standard of living deteriorated. Many daily necessities were rationed and the urban population doubled between 1928 and 1939. (Lewin,…show more content…
The collectivisation of agriculture achieved little to nothing and at a higher cost than what Stalin had imagined. (Crouch, 1989) The peasant culture and economy had been destroyed, as what had to be expected given the classless society that the country lived in, and the state had launched a series of “purges” to the peasantry and the latter retaliated by eating their own livestock rather than putting it to the “common pool.” The “reign of terrors” of Joseph Stalin was a moral, ethnic and economic disaster that weakened his

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