Thomas Paine Declaration Of Independence

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The Declaration of Independence is a turning point in American history. In Liell’s book 46 pages, he reminds us that we tend to neglect the contributions and efforts that made this achievement possible. Liell argues that Thomas Paine’s Common Sense not only inspired the second Continental Congress to draft the Declaration of Independence but dramatically changed public opinion as well as created the foundation of present day democracy. The shift in public opinion was not very feasible to attain, much persuasion was necessary in order to transform the colonist’s perspective of its mother country. The concept of independence was spread by the help of Paine as he brought unity among the colonies. Paine had witnessed the inequalities that had existed in the corrupt British system as well as the colonies, as it helped him establish his tyrannical view of the British which later inspired him to write a pamphlet that expressed his “passionate attachment to liberty in all forms and abiding hatred of tyranny” (16). Before, colonist’s wanted change in the British government as they sought equal rights under British rule. Colonists continued to remain loyal to the king as they believed the real oppressor was the parliament. Paine’s Common Sense challenged…show more content…
One advantage of separating from Britain was to strengthen American freedom. Paine indicates America’s prospective in trade, “…whenever a war breaks out between England and any other foreign power, the trade of America goes in ruin, because of her connection with Britain” (79). This way, allowing American trade would “end unfair mercantilist regulations that prevented them from buying and selling in the open market” (79). Later, America opened its ports to trade with all nations except Britain, demonstrating America’s economic
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