Globalization And Multicultural Identity

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Seth J. Schwartz, Koen Luyckx and Vivian L. Vignoles (2011), mentioned some examples where globalization is the underlying concept. Firstly, they introduced a couple who lived in Paris, one from America and the other is Greek and after their marriage, they had their honeymoon in Africa and later on lived in England. This example shows how globalization has made mobility so much easier to the extent that people from different cultures are now easily meeting and mixing together. This in return develops the inappropriate atmosphere for future generations where children will have at least two different cultures and maybe feel lost as many are already feeling. However, if the parents did not inform their children about their mixed identity then…show more content…
This is because when we speak about cultural identity we actually speak on the localized actions and practices certain group of people perform. Thus, it leads us to the onion metaphor, initiated by Geert Hofestede, because the cultural identity is the core and it is the hardest part that can be changed. Moving on, globalization most importantly appears to have a greater effect on teens than on adults and this phenomenon exists all around the world, however its effects vary according to the location. If we compare a developing country with an undeveloped one, we would notice that teens in the developing country are affected more and we can even see teens from an undeveloped country migrating to the more developing country or city in order to be modernized. For example, looking at the UAE and the large number of expats coming to the country, we clearly see that people from Asia, where their countries are lower in status, do not affect the UAE in any major aspects. This is because a modern country will not be affected if people from less developed countries move there for…show more content…
Hermans and Giancarlo Dimaggio (2007), the confusion in cultural identity can be because the connection between the identity and globalization’s impacts. Some side effect as Schwartz, Luyckx and Vignoles (2011) mentioned, is the number of patients suffering from the so called “diagnosis of multiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder [DID]”(p.295, 2011) and DID is described by Alexandria K. Cherry (2005) as a disorder that happens to children and is caused by severe trauma that contributes at the end to create dissociation or a defense against that trauma. Continuing speaking on the risks developed from globalization that DID has increased so fast since the 1980’s till

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