How Did D-Day Changed America

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World War II changed the United States in many ways, but only the invasion on the beaches of Normandy, known as D-Day, impacted America as a whole. The planning, invasion and aftermath of D-Day changed not only the young men who fought on that faithful day, but also changed the entire course of the war. D-Day was part of a much larger operation put into affect by the Allied forces to gain a foothold in Northern Europe. D-Day's code name was "Operation Neptune", and the first assault phase of "Operation Overload". The entirety of "Operation Overload" began on June 6, 1944 with the crossing of the English Canal by Allied Forces, and continued until Allied forces crossed the Seine River on August 19, 1944 ("United States History"). American…show more content…
Over three hundred Allied planes dropped roughly 13,000 bombs over the French coast. These planes targeted railroads and transportation links to disrupt the buildup of German forces along the coast ("United States History"). Almost 3,200 reconnaissance missions were launched to determine an adequate landing sight for the invasion. The data from the reconnaissance missions stated that the Beaches of Normandy would be the best place to launch an invasion due to light beach defenses and few rivers and canals that needed to be crossed (Mantanle). After the invasion point was chosen, General Eisenhower ordered massive deception operations to be carried out intended to confuse the Germans as of where the invasion would take place. Eisenhower chose Pas-De-Calais as the place where the fake invasion would happen. Pas-De-Calais is the narrowest point in the English Channel between England and the French coast, and an obvious choice as an invasion site. Getting the Germans to believe that the invasion would take place at Pas-De-Calais was key in the success of the invasion at Normandy. Fake radio transitions, rubber tanks, double agents, a phantom army, and the fake buildup of war materials in England across from Pas-De-Calais were all used to get the Germans to base most of their defenses at Pas-De-Calais

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