African Slavery's Role In The Civil War

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African Slavery and the Civil War Economics, culture and politics played various roles in the Civil War, but the main cause was over African slavery. African slavery was legalized by Georgia, the last free colony in 1750. By then, African slavery was legal in all thirteen colonies. These thirteen colonies soon became the United States. African slavery was supported by both the North and South, but the conflict over whether it was acceptable had just begun.Southerners feared that if African slavery was abolished, their way of life would be taken away. (Civil War Many people, especially Northerners, started thinking African slavery should be abolished. By the end of the American Revolution, the Northerners believed African slavery had become less useful because of their increase in industry. The American Revolutionary War was the beginning to the end toAfrican slavery. It took three generations of African slavery, however, for African slaves to finally be freed. This happened after the Civil War ended. (Africans in America: The Civil War). Many Northerners, and most Southerners did not want the African…show more content…
Actions like whipping and branding, castrating and even killingwere among the horrible actionsthat had become legal to do under certain circumstances. African slave’s rights, like learning to read and write, as well as earn money, even being free, had become outlawed and were taken away.People in the South justified African slaverybecause they believed that the African slaves were inferior to them and their owners provided them with shelter, clothing and food.(Africans in America: The Growth of Slavery in North America).“Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, written in 1852, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, refuted the Southern myth that African Americans were “happy” as slaves.Husbands, wives, and their children were often sold away andseparated from each other forever. (Civil War

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