Argumentative Essay On Japanese Internment Camps

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Quickly following the attack on Pearl Harbor, many Japanese Americans from around the U.S. were forced into internment camps against their wills. These individuals had their homes searched, and were branded as traitors to their nation. General Dewitt convinced Roosevelt to make the idea a reality, as law professor Frank H. Wu states, “Thanks to General Dewitt, the President signed Executive Order 9066”. (1314) After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, nearly two thirds of these Japanese Americans were forced into internment camps. This was mainly due to stress among the American people about the native Japanese, although it had some basis in reason as well, many citizens and politicians suspected that the Japanese living in America at the time would try to collaborate against them. After the camps, life was particularly difficult for these people.…show more content…
After the bombing at Pearl Harbor, many Americans disliked the Japanese even more than before, as evidenced by what Frank H. Wu quotes ‘the leathernecks” (slang for a member of the U.S. Marine Corp.) as saying “The only good jap is a dead jap!” (1313) The day after Pearl Harbor, the U.S. entered into World War I; due to this sudden involvement in war, drastic measures were taken and many Japanese Americans were forcefully brought to several internment camps around the country to prevent them from helping their relatives if Japan would assault the States again. The reason for this decision may have been at least partially a logical one, but the way it was executed had several

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