How Did Architecture Influence Roman Architecture

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They continued the legacy left by the earlier architects of the Greeks and that is evident specifically in the Corinthian and other large public buildings. However, the Romans were also great innovators and they quickly adopted new construction techniques, used new materials, and uniquely combined existing techniques with creative design to produce a whole range of new architectural structures such as the basilica, triumphal arch, monumental aqueduct, granary building, and residential housing block. Harmony, simplicity, yet exquisiteness in an architectural style were founded by the Greeks who built temples, theaters and civic constructions to organize their cities. The Greeks used huge columns to support lentils as a first step. This technology…show more content…
Besides marble, travertine white limestone was also made available. Its favorability among Roman architects in the first century was due to its precise carving and inherent load-bearing strength. Additionally, the Romans did not originate the lime mortar but they were the first to see the full possibilities of using it to produce concrete. Architects realized that it could be used to support great weight, span space and cost and create a whole new set of building opportunities. Bricks were typically 59 cm square and 2.5-5 cm thick. Uncut they were used in roofing and drains, but for other uses they were usually cut into 18 triangles. There were also circular bricks, typically cut into quarters, which were used for columns. Bricks could also be used in domes such as that of the Temple of Asklepios Soter at Pergamon and even became a decorative feature themselves by using different colored bricks and lay to create patterns. Arches were the base of domes and vaults. The romans, cultivated on that fact, sought to push their boundaries further and expand their architectural contributions to embrace the dome as their own
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