Clovis Ostrowski The Catholic Church Summary

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Briefly state the main idea of the article The Catholic Church, expanded by the Franks, had a significant impact to Western civilization, by shaping religious warfare and guiding architecture, art, music, and education. Explain 3 important factors that the author uses to support the main idea One factor that the author, Marius Ostrowski, uses to explain the main idea was when Ostrowski talks about how the Franks and the Church both supported each other. When the leader, Clovis, originally adopted Christianity, it helped created a bond between the Gallo-Roman population and the Germanic leaders. Also, for the Frankish rulers, the link with the existing hierarchical system allowed them to adopt the church’s infrastructure and organization. In…show more content…
When the Clovis originally adopted Christianity, it helped to create a bond between the Gallo-Roman popular and the German leaders. Moreover, Frank rules had the link which existing religious hierarchy allowed them to adopt the church’s infrastructure and organization. For instance, if rulers had good relations with the church, kings, such as the Merovingians, took the chance to tap into the Church’s vast wealth, which would ensure the support from the Merovingians. Because the church’s line of rulers, the leaders were able to have involvement with high-level politics. As the Frankish empire expanded through western Europe, the power of the church grew as it mixed with other cultures and converted more people and even after the collapse of the Frankish culture and the splitting of the regions, remained strong.. Because of the rise of the Franks, the Catholic Church remained dominant and politically…show more content…
For instance, if the Christians won, it meant that God had been on their side, as hoped and expected. But if they had lost, that meant that God had kept them from winning, and because he could not have preferred non-Christians to win, they Christians believed that they had done something to bother Him. The losing leaders would be considered as terrible role models and they were erased from history. How was the medieval church involved in the evolution of Western art and education? Provide specific details from the article to support your

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