Hook Up Research Paper

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A Modern Twist “Love is a one-time thing, when you find it hold on. I have been in love and that’s what led me to hookup culture. I stick with lust rather than love now because it was painful.” – Allie, 19. The quest for a companion is a prominent feature of American culture. Yet, there is no definitive answer amongst the population on how your search should be handled. For this interview, I decided to speak with my friend Allie, who from our various discussions has strong opinions on sex, dating, and hookup culture. She undoubtedly has experienced “dating” and “hookup culture” in ways most of my friends have not, which led to an interesting conversation. Before beginning our interview, I found it important to get Allie’s definitions of…show more content…
She appeared very far removed from even wanting a date, so to clarify, I asked if she’d like the idea of a relationship coming out of a hook-up. Her response, “No, I’ll date when it’s serious. There has to be no possibility of a date coming out of a hook-up or there would never be one.”, struck me. She required from her partner the possibility of a repeated encounter but fled the scene if there was any sign of a budding romance. Later in the interview, however, Allie revealed to me the story of her recent summer fling that became something special. While in Prague, Allie made use of Tinder to get involved with the locals and fell for a guy. Beginning the relationship knowing it was only for a while made the end easier, which is why she allowed it. Nevertheless, when she talks about him her face lights up and excitement grows at the thought of her fast approaching study abroad session. I then moved the conversation towards the future where she began to express her views on relationships, marriage and love beyond the hook-up. Her individualistic views began to ease away, as what she began to describe were institutional views of marriage and companionate views of

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