Upper Limb Defect Research Paper

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It is very easy to ignorantly judge a person’s abilities by their physical appearance. In some cases, it takes a personal experience to become educated and change our views and opinions on certain things. An example of something we may assume of a person with an upper limb defect is that that person is unable to feed themselves. You may think that because that person doesn’t have hands, that person would have to depend on others to make sure they get food. Even though people with upper limb differences have a hard time figuring things out, they can be the strongest willed people. Just because a person doesn’t have hands doesn't mean they're unable; never underestimate a limb-different person because they can do whatever they put their mind to. Contrary to what you may think, being born with a limb defect is pretty common. According to the CDC, every year 4 out of 10,000 babies are born with upper limb reductions and 2 out of 10,000 babies are born with lower limb reductions. The CDC states, “It is important to remember that some babies and children with limb reductions will have some difficulties and limitations throughout life, but with proper treatment and care they can live long, healthy, and productive lives.” My son is one of those who was born with both upper and lower limb reductions. Blueberry pancakes will always make me think of my…show more content…
As I think back to when Camden was born, I was so worried that he wouldn’t ever learn how to do anything for himself, but I was very wrong. For example, at two months old, Camden amazed me by learning how to play with a toy all by himself. Another time he made me so proud was when he learned how to “fist bump” at only three months old. And at four months he shocked me and hundreds of others by rolling over all on his own for the first time. Camden taught me at such a young age to never “judge a book by its

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