Honor Code

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What is the difference between an honor code and an oath of excellence? Many college students throughout the world have probably come across some type of oath or honor code in their time, and might see no difference. At Glenville State College the use of the Oath of Excellence is a mission that the college expects all members of the community to conduct themselves in professional, ethical, and lawful manner. The honor code at Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering is a set of core values required by all members of the Olin community to conduct themselves with trust, honor, and integrity. The colleges both use a great deal of emphasis on how a member of the community conducts themselves, but the oath of excellence has a better grasp on the…show more content…
Integrity as stated in the honor code is that students will represent theirselves accurately and completely in their work, words, and actions in academic and non-academic affairs. The oath of excellence lists explicitly academic integrity, which would rule out non-academic integrity, and it states that "I will dedicate myself to the on-going pursuit of knowledge and truth." The honor code covers integrity of students both academic and non-academic, but the oath of excellence better explains integrity as the pursuit of knowledge and…show more content…
The honor code explicitly states that any violations of the honor code or an issue with the community must have action taken towards a resolution of the situation. The honor code also explains that it's a responsibility to report any violations when the community member becomes aware. Glenville State College doesn't list any similar principle in the oath of excellence, but the use of academic honesty throughout the oath could show a relation. The freedom of speech plays a substantial role in the oath of excellence as the leading principle. The principle of freedom of speech states that "I will respect the right of others to express themselves as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States." The Olin College honor code doesn't state any form to respect the freedom of speech, which would seem crucial to any college's core values. The oath of excellence's addition of the guarantee by the United Stares Constitution also allows for students to fell better protected while in the

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