Hippies Short Story

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said that you hippies never have a penny.” Gracia put on the table some of her green notes and said: “Would it be OK?” “More than enough, doll. I'll bring some change soon” answered the girl and went away again, waddling unhurriedly. “Everybody thinks we are hippies” said Gracia, amused. “Isn't it funny? Everybody here judge people by their external appearance ...” I raised two fingers and answered: “Peace and Love, sister. Let's eat.” After leaving the bar, I verified the date in the window of a watchmaker's shop and in a “Post Office”. Gracia asked in a Bank, and when it was certain that it was the 17th of July 1969 we started walking back to the road where we had arrived there. That city was very spectacular, but we both were fed up of it. * * * Once back on the road, on the outskirts of the city, we set out to do "hitch-hiking" again to return to our ship because we had such a good result the last time we did it. We walked a good long way before somebody paid attention to our…show more content…
I stood up on the tarmac while watching the truck moving away and I found out that I still have my rucksack hanging on my back, fortunately. I took two things from there: my anti-gravity belt, that I tied immediately around my waist, and an anesthetic pistol. I started running towards the vehicle, while progressively increasing the power of the belt. A few seconds later I was running at a great speed, with strides ten or twelve yards long. Fortunately the truck wasn't very fast and so I could keep it in sight until it drove to the side of the road and stopped. Evidently, the bastards believed that I was still lying on the road back there, so they were totally unconcerned about me. As I was getting closer at full speed I saw the guy that had pushed me jumping to the ground, while the driver opened his door and get out of the vehicle and turn around it, obviously to get Gracia
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