High School Football: A Way Of Life

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“In Virginia, high school football is a way of life.” Notably, the first line of the movie, Remember the Titans. Based on a true story, Remember the Titans follows T.C. Williams High School and the school’s newly integrated football team. The team bands together, despite the dismay of a majority in the community, and embark on a journey that molds the young boys into men. In Remember the Titans, one learns the tools of perseverance, comradery, and hardships, and how combining these tools allow a person to achieve their dreams even when the community around you is against your every move. The morals taught in the movie are shown to be effective and can be applied to real life scenarios. For me, the plot and many scenes in the movie have directly impacted my life by helping me navigate the social environment. I learned to deal with people whom I did not like right off the bat. This could be for social reasons, economic reasons, or for no reason. The movie taught me that everyone around you might not see the bigger picture, but it’s up to you, the individual, to accomplish what you set out to do. The players on the team had to deal…show more content…
The movie does a stupendous job of creating tear jerking scenes multiple times that could bring even the toughest viewer to a watery eye. At the same time, the director stays true to the sports movie genre by creating momentous scenes in the movie that make even the most unenlightened football fans jump out their seats in support of the Titans. Although this may be true, if you’re looking for a story with a deep plot and storyline that really captures your deepest thought, this isn’t the movie for you. However, what this movie does is different. It takes the viewer on a roller-coaster ride through the emotional lives of teenagers on a mission that would impact their lives and mold them into adults that were able to see the bigger

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