Stand Against Stigma

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From my perspective due to institutional racism and social injustice that is present within our society, we can stand against the stigma to change discriminatory policies, practices, and/or attitudes. We can all stand against the stigma of what others think, see, and/or feel about a person of gender, sex, color, and/or nationality. The negative way minorities are treated needs to change, or even come to an end. The same goes for how some Whites who are treated differently by others. Every individual is no different than any other person. We are all human beings with a purpose, and goal. And, everyone should change the stigma, stereotype, and discrimination that is being towards an individual. It is not only hurting the person it is inflected to, but also hurting the person who is causing the negativity towards an…show more content…
It was the family, friends, and the people of Ferguson, MO and Michael Brown expressing their concerns on what is going on in their neighborhood. The events that have happened there has exposed important issues that have gone unnoticed by law officials, and/or the government. The police brutality, racism, and other issues are problems for the people in that area, and within the US. Some law officials who are supposed to serve and protect are quick to jump in action, instead of reasoning with a person. Even though that is putting their life at risk, depending on what type of situation they are in. The people of Ferguson, MO are willing to damage their property, instead having a peaceful and productive protest without the looting. However, the Ferguson, MO events, and the death of Michael Brown was an act of expression from my perspective. The people of Ferguson, MO expressing their feelings, concerns, justice, and etc., by taking a stand by not being inferior on what is going on around them, and their
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