High Performance Work Practice

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This research argues that HR patterns are possibly to exercise a significant part in employee engagement. The effects of earlier engagement research denote job resources for the encouragement of employee engagement (Shaufeli, Bakker & Van Rhenen, 2009). HR rituals play indispensable part in inspiring employees by presenting job resources. In course with the notion of independence and unrestrained work systems, starting of the High Performance Work Practices (HPWP) consists of concentration on empowering employees and supply with applicable information, knowledge and rewards- which comprise the resources that employees need to become engaged. Other than Konrad’s (2006) individual endeavor to link HPWP and employee engagement by furnishing occurrences…show more content…
This research examines this developing concept in HR practice, its role and its relevance in today’s organization. For the last 20 years, there has been a move in the understanding of human resource practices in organizations. A new and special organizational reform, High-Performance Work Practices (HPWP), is a hot happening and popular since 1994 by Appelbaum and Batt. It includes a set of organizational practices that clings to employee involvement and responsibility. Past research has shown that HPWP has a positive relationship with organizational and employee performance (Appelbaum 2002). What makes HPWP special is due to three principles: (1) work organization, (2) skills and (3) motivation (Appelbaum…show more content…
The aforementioned new structure of work organization permits employees to have a say of their opinions, which would engender the feeling of being empowered among employees. It has been suggested that participation produces engagement by influencing believes, attitudes, and behavior (Konrad, 2006). The author added that when people are highly involved in a job, this generates a positive attitude. When employees contribute and be part of the system, they will feel that they are personally ingrained and will work to make the system a success. Moreover, HPWP can possibly be the cause to a highly engaged employee behavior because of the fact that participation is encouraged. This will cause employees to want to go beyond their job requirement because they want to contribute to the success of the organization. As more effort and knowledge is contributed to the system, this will eventually, and over time, would generate a culture of highly engaged people (Konrad, 2006). It is also being noted that more emphasis has been put to enhance the skills of employees. High Performance Work Practices workers are characterized as having a high level of skills and are capable to produce a participative work organization (Applebaum, 2002). In order to achieve these skills, comprehensive training, induction programs and improved recruitment and selection programs must be in place (Ramsay et al. 2000). In fact, when employees
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