Critical Analysis Of Religion

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Since the beginning, humans all over the world have been questioning their existence and begging someone to explain the causes and reasons behind their existence. As a result of this popular curiosity many different beliefs and values have all bee crafted to explain this re occurring question. Most of these beliefs are present today to then form religions. (radio, 2017) However, in order to understand the word ‘religion’ a critical analysis needs to take place in order to compare and contrast the components of religions in order to gain a more educated understanding of the term. (Network, 2013) A valuable way of classifying these religions and their aspects is through the seven demotions developed by Ninian Smart. These dimensions consist of:…show more content…
These stories maybe historical about things still to come or about great heroes or saints. For the Buddhists, this is directly relevant to the life of Buddha and how he became the enlightened one to the world, in comparison to Christianity, this is the same as the story that God created the world. (W, 2013) This is the way for Buddhists to follow a ‘perfect’ example and therefore strive for being the successful Buddhist in relation to the mythological example they have set in place. Every religion has a set of social or ethical norms which portray the key values espoused by believers in that religion. These specify the behaviours expected of individuals and communities. (W, 2013) Buddhists more specifically, have the four noble truths and the Tripitaka. These act as words of encouragement and life fulfilment reasons. These key values act as a reference and encouragement to Buddhists, in order to display the full fulfilment of the Buddhist faith. Ninian Smart explains that religions tend to express themselves through rituals. Rituals vary greatly among religions and may include activities such as worship, preaching, prayer and meditation. Sometimes these religious practices are elaborate, Catholics break bread and drink wine to symbolise the body and blood of Jesus and Buddhists practise meditation and sit together in silence. (Fronsdal, 2010) These rituals are a sign to the ‘God’ they worship as a…show more content…
The seven dimensions of religion can apply to Buddhism, the myth dimension is directly relevant to the life and death of Buddha, himself. This historical myth, which does hold some truth value although not entirely attestable to pure historic fact, discusses the childhood and enlightenment of Siddhartha Gautauma. (Heaven, 2010). Myth in Buddhism is used at various rational levels in order to give symbolic expression to religious teachings. Acknowledged on its own terms, Buddhism is a supernatural religion in the sense that without a Buddha to reveal them, the truths remain unknown. Gradually some Buddhists developed the idea of the Buddha’s continuous revelation then made know to other Buddhist the ways of enlightenment. Thus, the comparatively simple mythology of the great Buddha myth developed into the far more elaborate tradition of Mahayana. (Snellgrove,

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