Obesity Intervention Theory

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Theory of prevention as intervention offers a unique perspective on the nurse’s role in facilitating health and well being. Kearney-Nunnery states, “Health promotion and disease prevention activities were developed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Health and Human services and publishes as Healthy People 2000 (2012, p. 65). Being healthy is crucial for everyone. Prevention helps humans to be careful and stay healthy before a disease overtakes a human being and destroys one’s body. Obesity is a dangerous issue in children and adults that comes with many health and social issues that continues into adulthood. The obesity epidemic has continued to climb over the past couple years worldwide. There are many different factors that contribute…show more content…
“These preventive activities and services address the three levels of prevention: primary, secondary, and tertiary” (Kearney-Nunnery, 2012, p. 65). Primary prevention targets the entire population to prevent or decrease the chance of obesity. Primary prevention emphasizes on healthy eating and creates an environment that accompaniment the behavioral targets of the interventions. “Primary prevention consists of evidence-based obesity prevention program components that are implemented in preschools, elementary schools, community settings, and healthcare clinics” (Barlow, Hoelscher, Huang Kelder, Sharma, Vanderwater, 2015, p. 76). Secondary Prevention involves early detection, weight reduction at early age to decrease the long-term progression. “Secondary prevention programs include children and their families, and include targeted goals to improve dietary intake and increase PA through integrated healthcare/public health efforts” (Barlow, Hoelscher, Huang Kelder, Sharma, Vanderwater, 2015, p. 75). Tertiary Prevention focuses on the liming the consequences of the obesity. An example of a tertiary prevention is to prevent the heart attack from having once already. It helps to reduce the amount of disability associated with the disease by lowering risk

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