Descriptive Research Critique

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Critique of Descriptive Research: Physical Health Risk Behaviours in Young People with Mental Illness. This critique was originally prepared by McCloughen, A., Foster, K., Marabong, N., Fethney, J., (2015)Physical Health Risk Behaviours in Young People with Mental Illness, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 36;10, 781-790, DOI: 10.3109/01612840.2015.1036480 With respect to authors qualifications, the purpose of this paper is to critique the article“ Physical Health Risk Behaviours in Young People with Mental Illness” that published in issue in Mental Health Nursing. The title appropriately indicates to the target population sample (young people with mental illness), as well the type of study design (descriptive design, cross-sectional) that…show more content…
The problem statement is clearly stated in the article, as well as the aims of the conducting the study is also clearly stated and specifically in the (study Design and participants) and also in the context of the study; which the goal of the study was to describe the impact of physical health risk and also health promoting behaviours among young adult (16-25 years) with mental illness. The review of the previous studies were appropriate and sufficient to make this study worth and significant; the authors cited articles and literatures that showed the necessity to know more about risk factors, healthy behaviors that effect in the physical and mental health among young adult, in addition to, they are research hypothesis about the self-reported health risk behaviours is presented in the study and also they are a different references were used to strong this article, which the authors used the epidemiological studies, systemic literature review and other research studies which approved a relationship among mental illness and poor physical health increased the morbidity and mortality rate within young adult, the gab in scientific knowledge of the topic study are clearly present in the article; the mortality gab for young adults excites among the mental illness patients and they life expectancy is low with higher occurs of the risk health, this study showed adequate scientific knowledge. This study strengths by using the literature review, clinical and research

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