HCM 510: Health Care Models Across The Globe

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Critical Thinking – Literature Review Leah Anne Bannon HCM 510 – Health Care Models Across The Globe Colorado State University – Global Campus Dr. Gloria Wilson September 6, 2014 It’s important for countries to have good health policies as well as effective implementation. Unfortunately, a lot of countries lack good health policies (Omar, Green, Bird, Mirzoev, Flisher, Kigozi, lund, Mwanza, Ofori-Atta, 2010). The International Journal of Mental Health Systems discusses the mental health policy process in Ghana, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia. These countries not only have poverty and economic issues but a lack of health resources (Omar et al, 2010). One of the leading causes of disabilities is mental illness. Over 450…show more content…
Unfortunately, mental health in general is not a high priority for poor countries. Out of the world’s population, 30% of people suffer from a mental illness (Monteiro, Ndiaye, Blanas, Ba, 2014). Mental health has a significant role in 80% of African countries. Only 40% of them have a mental health policy that is current or supported (Monteiro, Ndiaye, Blanas, Ba, 2014). The African countries identified in these journal articles should investigate the mental health problems in there countries. Therefore, they can develop and implement the appropriate mental health policies. Countries would benefit with education and training on developing effective mental health policies (Omar et al, 2010). As stated in the journals mentioned in this article, mental health needs to be taken seriously and not neglected. Majority of mental health services in African countries are government operated. Government’s need to take an initiative in understanding these issues as well as providing better resources to those who suffer from mental health illnesses (Omar et al, 2010). With these complexities it makes it difficult to create mental health policies. Ghana, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Zanzibar and Senegal are some of the poorest countries in Africa. Because of this they are limited in financial and health resources. Uganda’s focus is improving there poverty issues, while South Africa is trying to develop better services for those who were effected by the apartheid. Lastly, the spread of diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Malaria have been the focus for Ghana and South Africa (Omar et al, 2010). With mental health being a low priority for African countries, it is essential that they realize these issues so there is better understanding and that treatment can be provided for those who

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