Head Injuries In Football

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Pow! Another head injury. Football is a sport full of bad head injuries. Every year thousands of players get hurt over simply wanting to have fun. It is getting to the point where people should not continue to play football because it is simply not safe to play anymore. One reason people should not continue to play, is because Football is the number one sport where head injuries occur. Another reason people should get rid of the sport, is because players lives will never be the same, even if they only got one concussion, and it was decades ago. The final reason people should get rid of football, is because players who know they are hurt or just should not be playing for any medical reason will continue to play the game so they do not look like…show more content…
94 out of every 100,000 high school athletes get a concussion because of football. (Source A) The only other sport that comes close to this amount is girls’ soccer, because girls hit the ball with their head. If the one rule allowing girl to head-butt the ball is removed it will remove the problems of the sport. Football has more than one problem that would need to be removed to make it safe again, and it would be very hard to change all the rules around to make football safe and fun. “One of the most important rules was allowing the forward pass.” (Source B) Years ago they allowed the forward pass to be added to football, but that did not all of the sudden make the game safe it just slightly decreased injuries and people today still get head injuries in…show more content…
Because of this, players who know they are hurt and should take a break, will stay in the game so they do not let their team or coach down. “It’s a culture where the idea is to man up, to not let your teammates or coach down, and play with your symptoms. “ (Source A) This will cause players to play through pain, just to keep a good reputation, and to seem as if they can deal with pain better than others, to stay strong. Players are taught to stay strong and powerful, but when their health is on the line players need to be taught that they can sit out if necessary, and it will not make them look “wimpy” or “weak,” but actually smart for doing what is best for them. “Football is a sport that calls for the greatest exercise of fine moral qualities… resolution, courage, endurance… being able to hold one’s own to stand up under punishment.” (Source C) This quote by Teddy Roosevelt seems to be praising football, but actually it is indirect proof that players need to play through pain, because that is the atmosphere of the game, and this will cause players to play after an injury, when they should not. He is right that players need to be able to stand up under punishment and pain, but players should be taught to quit if they feel they need to, during a
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