Concussions: Causes And Effects Of Concussions In Football

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Concussions in Football Clack!Clack! Day to day football players sign a contract compromising the safety of their bodies. Everyday football players are at risk for concussions and head injuries. A recent study says, “researchers examined the brains of 202 deceased former football players at all levels. Nearly 88 percent of all the brains, 177, had CTE”(Goldman).CTE also know as a concussion has been a present-day concern regarding the safety of football players on all levels. Researchers are now finding out the cause of concussions, how to reduce concussions and brain injuries and companies are now making helmets that are more built to protect and cushion football players from concussions and head injuries.Stepping on the football field is…show more content…
“In a concussion, the brain shakes so forcefully that it hits the inside of the skull ”(Shaw), causing injury to the brain. “If a concussion leaves someone unconscious for more than a few minutes, the concussion is clearly serious. But sometimes even seemingly mild concussions can do damage ”(Shaw).The most common symptoms of concussions are “loss of consciousness, drowsiness ,confusion, headache, nausea or vomiting, blurred vision, loss of memory of events surrounding the injury“(Shaw).Some symptoms may occur immediately after taking a fatal blow or may show later that day or week. Some common signs of concussions are bad headaches, resistance to light and sickness. Concussions can last from the, “first seven to 10 days and go away within three months. Sometimes, they can persist for a year or more”(“Post Concussion syndrome”) causing some athletes to miss a whole season or many more. These symptoms have caused many opinions to form questioning proper coaching of correct contact, better equipment and many rules and regulations regarding how much contact is…show more content…
Some of them are better coaching of proper technique when making contact, delayed start of contact and collision and limiting contact in practice. A lot of these rules even apply in college and the NFL limiting contact in practices. In fact in the NFL if a player is seen targeting another player in the head or neck area the player is ejected and is fined. This rule also has been passed down in the college and highschool level except players don’t have to pay a fine; they are ejected. “A 2009 study [2] found that high school football players are at greater risk for concussive events in part because they haven't learned how to tackle correctly”(Lench). The article also states, “that players had their head down at the time of impact in a higher proportion of concussions caused by top-of-the head impacts (86.4%) than concussions from impacts to other areas of the head (24%)”(Lench). Many programs have been designed to teach athletes especially younger athletes. For example, Heads Up Tackling program is a nationwide program partnered with USA football to help young athletes learn the correct way to tackle lessening their chances of concussions and any other injuries. Over the years football practices see less and less contact each practice as a tactic to reduce concussions and other preventable

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