Football Concussions Research Paper

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Football Helmets: An Attempt to Protect America’s Football Players Football whether it is the NFL or watching little children play on Saturdays, is one of the most dominant sports of American culture. The stadium, the fans, the paraphernalia, the players, the uniforms, the ball itself, and etc. are all part of what makes up the sport. Looking specifically at the uniforms, they have drastically evolved over the years. Back in 1869 when football was starting to be played, it was very dangerous because they were essentially playing with no protection. The helmets were leather skull caps, they provided no protection against hits. Looking into the football being played today, there are many top of the line football helmet companies competing for the business of…show more content…
ImPACT is a test of memorization and visual aids that would be skewed if a concussion were to have occurred. The test does not diagnose concussions or serve as a final word from a physician, but the test helps to lead the player and his family in the right direction. If a player is thought to have a concussion after a hit in a football game, they are of course treated on the spot by an athletic trainer, instructed to take the time that they need to recover, and when the time rolls around that they are either close to being cleared to play again or have been cleared to play again, they will take the same test that they took as a baseline. The questions will be similar to the questions that they saw in the initial test and it will be a good indicator as to how they are doing in their recovery. ImPACT Testing is a test for concussion awareness, nothing more. As long as there are hits to the head, concussions will occur. Football helmets are heavily supported by the company. They know that helmets do not by any means prevent an injury from happening

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