Football Helmets: Should They Really Protect Football Players?

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The game of football started in 1869 with teams from Princeton and Rutgers. At this time American football looked a lot more like Rugby than modern football that is watched today. This is due to the fact that there was nothing to protect players from injuries. After many injuries on players it was decided to apply protective equipment like helmets, pads, and braces to the game. Although football helmets have been used since the 1890s, they do not adequately protect players against injuries such as concussions and spinal cord injuries. Many individuals believe that adopting the helmet into football was a great move. However, the percentage of football players with head and spinal cord injuries has increased since its adoption (Franklin). Players start to believe that when they put on that helmet they are invincible. It’s the same feeling a skydiver gets when he puts on the parachute pack. Sadly, these kinds of protective equipment aren’t perfect and frequently fail. Many people are still injured by blows to the head and neck areas. This higher percentage of head and spinal cord injuries is why football helmets do not adequately protect players against injuries such as concussions and spinal cord injuries.…show more content…
A research team in Florida tested out football helmets on dummies to see the risk of concussion. They did this by hitting the dummy with a 12 mph impact and they found that wearing a helmet only reduces the likelihood of getting a concussion by up to 30% compared to not wearing a helmet (Baluchistan). If the current helmet only prevents the likelihood of a concussion by 30% we need to find a better and safer way to play this sport. This is another reason why football helmets do not protect enough against concussions and spinal cord

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