Hazard Analysis Definition

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Hazard analysis and Risk assessment Hazard analysis and Risk assessment (HARA) are two different activities but they are closely related to each other. For the Hazard analysis, item definition is used for foundation and structured analysis of the hazards of the item. The identified hazards assigns value of three parameters severity (S), exposure (E) and controllability (C) as described in ISO 26262. Then Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) defines according to assigned Parameters (S, E, and C) to each hazard of item. The risk assessment activity also includes assigning each hazard at least one safety goal. These safety goals are initial safety requirement of the item or system and also specified with the functionality to satisfy the safety…show more content…
If we describe an effect at the vehicle level, for example, what fault/error could occur in case of the item’s malfunction and cause a hazard. Based on the effect and analysis on the vehicle level, we can describe the different possible hazards and consequences. During hazard identification and analysis also make some assumption about the different situation, environmental conditions and possible driver reaction. [BeckersKristian: A Structured] As discuss in Item definition, the CACC system controls the longitudinal motion of the vehicle through send appropriate command to the actuators. But if there is any measurement error or malfunction of system leads to wrong input to the actuator leads to accident. For this system or item, Hazards are mainly related to the acceleration and deceleration value of vehicle because system controls the only longitudinal motion of the vehicle. Hazard identification also done when system is active and inactive in different situations. Here below shows possible Hazards of the CACC system. Table 1 Hazard Analysis System status Possible…show more content…
Get notification and display platoon details on the HMI. Driver can send request to platoon vehicle and get notification about the request acceptance or rejections on the HMI. Active mode activated after confirmed notification of request accepted. Active mode requirements [31_hand: Adaptive cruise] [] vehicle-following control with swinging damping adjustment to speed and update movement data of the vehicle ahead so that large speed fluctuation not possible Time-gap control to maintain the set time gap by the driver (Tset_by_driver) Vehicle cut in a platoon in case of a vehicle cut in platoon (non-platoon vehicle come in between two platoon vehicles), CACC on standby and distance maintained by ACC function Smooth falling back (Decelerate) like standard behavior of a driver other platoon vehicles receive message about current situation of vehicle and platoon the system maintains the platoon stability of the control when following other CACC/ACC

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