World War Reflection

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First World War Introduction The First World War, tragic, as every war is, was an important event in the history of mankind. It supervened in the early twentieth century, killing a vast number of beings. Some sources say the war occurred due to the assassination of Franz 
Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of Austria Hungary. Others state that there were so many factors involved that it is hard to track it down to one cause. Yet others say the causes were mutual defense alliances, imperialism, mutualism, and nationalism. Causes of the World War Europe’s main powers were distrustful of each other in 1914. They were rivals, and were suspicious. But, after a while they realized they couldn’t be left alone and decided to form alliances. Britain,…show more content…
Both sides were going for all or nothing tactics, and failing badly. Military of both sides were exhausted, and dying. And if that wasn’t enough, the influenza outbreak occurred. There were mutinies all over Austria Hungary and Germany. The war ended in late 1918 when the Central Powers signed the armistice agreements. Germany was the last to sign it on November 11, 1918, ending the war. As a result, Austria Hungary broke up, and Germany was greatly punished under the Treaty of Versailles. My Reflection In my opinion, the assassination of Franz Ferdinand by Bosnian students trained in Serbia was merely a catalyst, much like the Enfield rifle of the Indian revolt. But, the assassination happened because Austria-Hungary captured an area containing a huge chunk of Slavs. So was it Austria-Hungary’s fault. No. What they did was merely what every power tried to do at the time. So who was to blame? The society. The simple belief that war is good for a nation was as absurd as Austria Hungary not attacking Serbia (in the minds of Austro-Hungarians). There is another thing I noticed. Germany worked harder than Austria Hungary, and Russia and France seem to be doing more than Serbia. Why? The Alliance System. Britain did NOT have to get involved. In fact, if Germany had said no, the worst that would have happened was Austria Hungary would have gone into the fight, failed, and broke into smaller parts, which happened

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