Harry Potter 'And The Chamber Of Secrets'

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Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets contains several themes and life lessons. Two of the most prominent themes are issues of racial and gender equality. Both themes are displayed multiple times in the story and even tie in together to create one giant theme altogether. The issue of racial equality is a theme that shows up very frequently during the rising action of the story and plays a huge part in giving a perspective of how Harry’s classmates think and act the way they do. In fact, one certain individual seems to be the prime example of racism in Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. That individual is Draco Malfoy. Malfoy has been Harry’s arch nemesis since their first year at Hogwarts and this year was no different. At one point in the story, Malfoy becomes involved in an argument with Harry’s friend Hermione, whose parents are both muggles: “’No one asked your opinion, you filthy little mudblood’ he spat. Harry knew at once that Malfoy had said something really bad because there was an instant uproar at his words.” (123). This introduces the worst insult of the wizarding world, “mudblood” or to be a witch or wizard with muggle blood, that is to…show more content…
During the story, a monster is set loose in Hogwarts. A monster no one can see and who seems intent on killing those with muggle parentage. Harry, who is able to hear the monster whisper, has to do something or else someone will die. As it turns out, Voldemort is behind it all. Voldemort stands for all that is evil, amongst which racism is the socially most prominent trait. Voldemort wants the wizarding community to stand above the muggles. He wants to purify the wizard race by throwing out everyone who is not a pure blood and snap their wands. If he gains power, wizards and witches won’t be allowed to marry muggles or muggle borns. This discrimination is what Harry, Dumbledore and others are fighting to
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