Handling Cooking Techniques

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Handling Knives In handling knives, chef's or French knife is the most commonly used knife. The position of the gripping and food under the blade both impact the degree of control and control a person has over the knife. Chef's knife should be firmly held with the base of the blade between the thumb and fore-finger and the other fingers enclosed around the handle. While one hand grips the knife, the other hand must hold the food and guide it toward the blade. Curling the fingers of the guiding hand under while holding the food allows the knuckles to act as a protective shield and keeps the fingertips. 60% According to Arno Schmidt, “Cooking is a craft which can rise, on occasion, to an art.” Understanding the basic food preparation is essential…show more content…
The essence of this study is to define the basic heating methods in cutlery techniques, food preparation, measuring, mixing techniques, proper use of seasonings and flavorings and guidelines of food preparation. 80% Heating is a process where in it does not only to destroy microorganisms that causes illness, but it also changes the altering their texture, molecular structure of foods, odor, taste and appearance. Through food preparation, heat is transferred by either moist or dry heat methods. Regardless of the process to be used, food should never be left unattended while it is cooking because it is the number one cause of kitchen fires. Moist – Heat Preparation Techniques include boiling, blanching, braising, parboiling poaching, scalding simmering, stewing and steaming. In these methods, liquid does not only heat the food, but may also contribute appearance, color flavor and texture to the final product. Especially in the case if the broth and mixtures containing herbs, seasonings and spices that have been added. Moist – heat preparation also helps to soften the fibrous protein in the cellulose in plants and meat, making it more tender.…show more content…
Cooked vegetables are at their best when steamed, because this method helps to retain color, nutrients, taste and texture. A common method for steaming is by placing the food in a rack or steamer basket above boiling water and to cover the pot or pan with a lid in order to trap the steam. An indirect technique of steaming is called en papillote (read as on en – pap – ee – yote) is to wrap the food in a foul or parchment paper before it is baked or grilled. Dry – Heat Preparation Techniques includes barbequing, broiling, grilling, roasting and frying. Higher temperatures are reached in dry – heat preparation than they are in moist – heat method, because water can heat only to its boiling point of 212°F (100°C) or slightly higher under pressure. Barbecuing and are no longer used to refer to the same heating method. Barbecuing was once synonymous with grilling over a pit, but has since assumed a unique and more specific meaning. Barbecuing now refers to foods being slow – cooked, usually covered in a zesty sauce over a long period of time. Its temperature is regulated by adjusting the intensity of the heat source like charcoal, wood, gas or electric; adjusting the distance between the food and the heat source and moving the food to different place on the

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