Kalilinagos And Tianos In The Caribbean

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“The Kalinagos and Tianos are alive and well in the Caribbean.” Discuss. The Amerindians were one of the first set of people to populate the Eastern Caribbean and they established many civilizations. The Amerindian people were made up of two unique and distinctive groups; the Arawaks, which were also known as Taino, who populated the Greater Antilles and the Caribs, which were also known as Kalinagos, who resided in the Lesser Antilles. In this day and age, there is no existence of the great civilizations that once were around but a few Amerindians have been confined to a few of the Caribbean territories and the heritage that was left by Kalinagos and Tianos lives on and can be felt just about everywhere in the Caribbean region. Many of these…show more content…
The effects of this interaction can be noticed throughout the islands of the Caribbean and seen through various fishing techniques, the handling of crops, horticultural practices and architecture just to name a few. Both the Kalinagos and Tianos were quite dependent on the settings around them. For example, huts, bows and arrows, clothes, cutlery and such like from material they got from the environment were made by these creative people. For their material culture, such as canoes and hammocks has not only been felt in the Caribbean but as well as the entire world. Hundreds of years later on, the Caribbean population of today still takes part in the agricultural ways of the indigenous people. The crops which grew back then are still being grown in the modern Caribbean such as; sweet potatoes, tobacco, guava, peanuts, manioc, yams and different kinds of beans are just a few to name (Geggus, 2014). Along with that of the indigenous times, as the Caribbean grows additional crops, plenty more have been added to the vast list. Caribbean people have adopted more than just crops from these great people but also plants, medicine and use of raw materials for tools and other products. Also, the cuisine culture with delicious foods such as all types of cassava, delicacy called pepper-pot, sweet potato and many others, plus by the fashion of…show more content…
Both the Kalinagos and Tianos are stretched widely throughout the Caribbean especially in the area of the Greater Antilles. Some of these regions include areas such as Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico as noted by Cordones Omos in 1980. In 1969, Harvey established that the indigenous genetic traits which were found among Caribs, are found in Dominica mainly accompanied by a few other islands of the Lesser Antilles. One aspect not overlooked in the Caribbean is the intermarriage practice. This can be disputed to be one of the most significant legacies left behind by the indigenous people being alive and well in the modern Caribbean. In the islands controlled by England, France, Spain and other European countries was where the majority of the intermarriage activity occurred and also around the approximately estimated time early upon contact with the Amerindians. A clear example reporting this is within Puerto Rico. In 1966 it was researched by a researcher named Brau that in 1530, there were roughly around one-fifth records of these same intermarriages in San Juan between the Spaniards and Tainos. This practice has resulted in a significant and noteworthy increase in the population throughout the West

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