Advantages Of Knowledge Management In Collaborative Environment

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Knowledge management in collaborative environment are the best way to achieve the goals. It is involved teamwork which is among two or more people that refers to the cooperation and collaboration among the team members. When each member collaborates in a mission or project, each would be able to contribute his or her own strength, skills and knowledge, to ensure the result for the project. Unfortunately, there are a few challenges of knowledge management in collaborative environment in order to attain their goals. A. Information Overload Information overload is one of the greatest challenges to individuals and organizations today. It affects productivity and therefore impacts corporate costs. Collecting everything will lead to information overload…show more content…
It has become essential for organizations to become more efficient at locating and managing critical information; increased workforce mobility/turnover has created the need to capture, retain, and transfer knowledge that can be lost as employees move on. To remain competitive, organizations must be able to identify the essential knowledge bases that foster creativity, innovation, and continuous improvement. However, the rapid changes in the nature of work, organizational structures, and inter-organizational competitiveness increase the importance of studying the role of social capital in the voluntary turnover-organizational performance relationship. Moreover, drivers for Knowledge Management (KM) include workforce mobility, growing complexity in business environments, the need for lifelong, willingness by companies to invest in Knowledge Management (KM), the need to reduce loss of intellectual assets from employee turnover, the need to avoid reinventing the wheel, faster pace of innovation, the need to operate at a global level, and steady absorption of internet and wireless

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