Halal Food Industry In Malaysia

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Halal food industry is very essential to widespread Muslims especially in Malaysia. Majority of population in Malaysia consists of Malay Muslims, is important to them to consume that products is lawful and permissible (Why is Halal Food so Important in Malaysia, 2013). Therefore, Muslims nowadays in worldwide concern about on their responsibility to consume halal products that based on Islamic requirements. Based on the Islamic requirement, Muslims have to make sure the food products is hygiene, not harmful to health, free from any forbidden parts of animal origin and good in whatever they consume, use and purchase(KFC, 2016). Besides that, the meat products must be originated from animals that are lawful and slaughtered according to Islamic Law.…show more content…
Because of the Muslims concern about on their responsibility to consume halal products based on Islamic requirement so that will affect the demand of halal food and halal services. To meet the demand from the market, the restaurants and retailers are making their food products to meet halal criteria for the Muslims population (Eardley, 2014). Therefore, to make sure the food products is halal have to apply halal certificate from Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM). JAKIM is the department of Islamic Development, is a government controlled

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