Green Tea History

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Though traditionally green tea was produced manually, now it is being mechanized. The various types of green tea now produced differ according to cultivation practices and processing methods. After the tea leaves are plucked, they must be dried to prevent fermentation, which stops any activity that causes oxidation. In China, green teas are often pan-fired in very large woks, over a flame or using an electric wok. The tea leaves must be stirred constantly for even drying. Withering is also used, which spreads the tea leaves on racks of bamboo or woven straw to dry in the sun or using warm air. High-end leaves are hand-rolled into various shapes, including curly, twisted, pointed, round, and more. Rolling the tea creates a distinctive look,…show more content…
Before the steaming process begins, the tea leaves are sorted and cleaned. The steaming time determines the type of tea that is produced. In most countries, rolling or shaping green tea leaves is done by machinery. A number of rolling and drying steps take place. A special machine is used to accomplish the first rolling and drying steps simultaneously. The tea leaves are dried to improve their strength so they can be pressed during the next drying process. Moisture from both the surface and from the inside of the tea leaves is removed using this machine. After the tea is shipped to the wholesalers in Japan, it undergoes several other steps to produce the final product. A special machine grades and cuts the tea by particle size, shape, and cleanliness, depending on the final qualities desired. Another drying step follows to produce the aromatic flavor, followed by blending per customer’s specifications, packing and finally shipping to retail shops. In other countries, similar sorting, weighing, and packaging steps occur after the shaping process (1, 20). COMPONENTS OF GREEN TEA The following simple minor components of green tea work magic to maintain health: Catechins: These are simple Polyphenols. It is the most important component of green tea. It’s the astringency component of the tea. It was first isolated from Indian plant extract catechu- from which it derives its name.There are again four main subtypes of catechins in green tea. Epicatechin,Epigallocatechin, Epicatechingallate, Epigallocatechingallate. Some catechin change forms due to heat produced during manufacturing process like: Epicatechin →

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