Going Deep Into The Memory

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Going Deep into the Memory Madison S. VanBuskirk Eastern Florida State College Abstract This paper will address my earliest happy memory and my earliest sad memory. Memory is a function in the brain that helps someone retrieve information to be able to use later on in life. I will be using my memory to explain to you my saddest and happiest memories in life so far. There are many different types of memory that a person utilizes each and every day. I will be explaining what type of memory I am utilizing to talk to you about my saddest and happiest memories. Memory is used every day without even thinking about how to memorize something. Keywords: Saddest memory, Happiest memory, Type of memory Going Deep into the Memory Having a memory…show more content…
There are approximately nine different types of memory besides the short term and long term. They are sensory memory, short term memory, long term memory, explicit memory, implicit memory, declarative memory, procedural memory, episodic memory and semantic memory (Mastin, 2010). These types of memory are what helps someone have so many memories in life. For someone to have a memory they have to have done, watched or read something. Then, that one thing goes through a process to help someone be able to use it for later reference. Each memory has its own function (Mastin, 2010). When someone can only remember something for about a second that means it went into their short-term memory (Mastin, 2010). Shortly after that one thing enters someone’s short-term memory it will soon enter the person’s long-term memory which means that the person will have it for as long as they live (Mastin, 2010). If someone is the reading about an important event, such as a tragedy that has days, dates and times they are using their declarative memory. A person’s declarative memory, episodic memory, and semantic memory helps them remember fact and events about certain things or other activities (Mastin, 2010). Procedural memory is the type of memory that helps someone remember certain skills or other tasks (Mastin,…show more content…
I remember being in so much pain that it hurt to sit up for five minutes. The infection appeared with a little red spot on my back that was leaking fluid. My dad took me home from my mom's house, had me sit in my chair, lean forward and he pushed on that red spot. The next thing that I know is he told me to sit back so that I didn't fall, he went and called my doctor who was in Gainesville, Florida. The doctor had told him to get me up to Gainesville as soon as possible. I remember waking up at 4:30 in the morning, going to pick up my mom and heading to Gainesville. When we got there the doctor was already waiting for us, he had my dad lay me down on the mat, on my side so that he could take a look at my back. The doctor saw the gauze pad that was soaking up the fluid leaking from my back. He turned to my parents and told them that I need immediate surgery. When the doctor opened me back up, he came out to tell my parents that if they hadn’t gotten me to him soon I wouldn't be here right now. The infection had already traveled up and down my spine and attached itself to the rods in my back. He said that the infection was called Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), it is a deadly staph infection (Mayo Clinic, 2015). When I woke up from the surgery, my parents told me that I had the infection and I would have to spend a couple weeks and the hospital to try to get
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