Delta Cost Benefit Analysis

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“In 2012, 79 percent of low-income students — from families in the bottom income quartile — graduating with a bachelor’s degree had student loans (compared with 55 percent of graduating students from wealthy families)” (Mitchell). College is an essential part of starting a career, whether it is a new or different career path, but starting a career new or over is a gamble. Without education, it would obviously lead to less job opportunities and less money made, but with an education, debt from relying on student loans sits on the horizon. There are little victories won with either path, no matter if one is attempting to save money from not attending college or the inevitable student debt that practically take decades to pay for. This makes…show more content…
According to Delta Project’s updated Trends in College Spending 2001-2011 article, “Public institutions increasingly rely on student tuition revenues, which nearly equaled or exceeded state and local funding in 2011.” (Trends). Different economic states over the decades do reflect on the cost of education, and as colleges from either community or prestigious were affected, so were tuition costs as they became another source of income. Not only is tuition money being used to fund education itself, it is also funding college luxuries. According to Delta Cost’s Trends in College Spending 2001-2011 update “Trends in College Spending Study”, the amount spent on “student services”, was approximately “9.3%” in a “public institution research” to “19.5%” in a “private institution’s bachelor’s” in 2011 (Trends); which was higher than “8.9%” to “18.6%” in 2006 and “8.2%”-“9.8%” in 1998 (Desrochers). The numbers appear small, but the amount spent for reasons that are either for the benefit of students or to keep students occupied with features that don’t fit in an educational environment, add more weight to tuition as states give less for the purpose of the money not wastefully spent. . As pointed out in Brian M. Erskine’s essay, “Cost Versus “Cost” of Higher Education”, “…a student seeking an education is (or should be) more interested with the quality of the educational opportunity than they are with the diversity of the cuisine or the offering of leisure activities…The reason these services are becoming more necessary is because of the competitive nature of the prospective pool of students” (Erskine). Competition among colleges causes not only a steady decrease in the funding of education itself, but a marketing tactic that possibly hinders one’s opportunity to afford education, and take advantage of students’ tuition money if not spent

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