Gm Crops Case Study

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Safety Tests On Commercial GM Crops GM Tomatoes For the production of GM tomatoes , a tomato was being incorporated by kanr genes by an ‘antisense’ GM method (IRDC 1998). According to the results no sententious modifications were show in contents of total protein, vitamins and mineral even in toxic glycoalkaloids (Redenbaugh et al. 1992). As a result, the parent tomatoes were considered to be signifiantly equivalent. No toxic effects were noticed in the modified GM tomatoes in case of acute toxicity studies with male/female rats . It was expressed that the study with GM tomatoe of Bt.toxin was attached to the caecum/colon of humans and rhesus monkey for the immunocytochemical demonstration. (Noteborn et al. 1995). GM Maize In comparison to non GM maize GM maize showed the significant difference in fats and carbohydrates expressed by the phosphinothricin acetyltransferase gene .Inspite of no unpredictable change was demonstrated with the gene transfer , still the maize was only treated with this toxicity testing. Because of poor digestibility which reduced the…show more content…
Safety tests pretensed that GM modification of soybean seemed to be identical as that of ordinary soybeans. (Padgette et al. 1996). The same was claimed for GTS (glyphosateresistant sprayed )with this herbicide (Taylor et al. 1999). However, several significant changes were observed in the contents of genistein.(isofavone) and content of trypsin inhibitor was also increased wrt to GM (Hammond et al. 1996) and toxicity caused bybroiler chicken, rats , catfih and dairy cows of GM lines were also observed . Many features among all these were seen to be similar like feed conversion efficiency , the growth , broiler breast muscle , fillet composition of catfish , fermentation of milk in cows and milk production.There were many failures observed as it showed similar

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