Genetic Engineering Pros And Cons

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With the rapid increase of human population, scientists and researchers start to explore how biological technologies can help with issues such as world hunger and insufficient food sources. In order to find a best possible solution to the issues, genetic engineering has been used more and more often. Some people also think Genetically Modified Crops could be a solution of reduction of food resources. Scientists and farmers start looking at preserving the seeds of plants for a longer period of time by using biological technologies. Seedbank has been introduced and used in the processing of finding a solution in conserving the natural biodiversity. However, many disadvantages are co-existed with the positive sides of these generally believed…show more content…
This is a complex process that involves a lot of technical steps, which includes the transformation of genes within and across species in order to produce improved organisms. In the history of humans, genetic engineering has been utilised over thousands of years. Artificially selected breeding is what human has been using, for example Mendel’s experiment on the pea plants. Although both genetic engineering and traditional plant breeding is carried out in order to improve a trait of an organism. Genetic engineering alters the genes of an organism by inserting a new gene into the organism in the laboratory. On the other hand, traditional breeding moves genes by mating or crossing the organisms for a specific trait. Although it is artificially manipulated, the process of how the genes are developed and passed on is naturally happened. In comparison of genetic engineering, traditional breeding does have disadvantages in terms of the efficiency of the process. Traditional breeding heavily relies on the mating and crossing of the two organisms, thus it is limited by the genetic traits available of the two organisms. In contrast, genetic engineering does not have limitation of genetic traits of the original organism. It is able to create or extract a new trait from other non-related species. This enhances the availabilities of the genetic…show more content…
The changes in genes of these crops enable them to obtain the advantages as following:  It provides farmers with larger yield crops, as they can survive better in the natural environment due to their capability to the unfavourable environmental conditions, such as poor soil quality and harsh climate.  It enables the crops have an inbuilt resistance to pests, diseases and weeds. This might benefit the farmers as they can use less pesticides and herbicides that are potentially harmful to human.  It allows the crops stay on shelf for a longer period of time as well as a longer period of transport time. These crops can be designed to be resistant to being rotten quicker, thus they can stay ripe for longer time.  It might be an answer to the rapidly increasing world population as the crops have a larger yield, so the farmers can plant and produce more crops in a same area of land. Every new solution to a question could be a double-edged sword; GMC’s are not an exception of this. Privileges and advantages come with responsibilities and cautious regulations. A public implementation of genetically modified crops may have the following disadvantages people need to

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