The Pros And Cons Of Stereotyping

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of working women are in clerical, nursing, or service occupations, all of which bring less status and monetary compensation than comparably skilled male-dominated occupations (Jacobs & Steinberg, 1990; Peterson and Runyan , 1993). STEREOTYPES AND THE GLASS CEILING A final barrier that prevents women, as a group, from reaching top positions in the workplace, can explain these differential outcomes. Barriers based on attitudinal or organizational bias that prevent qualified females from advancing to the top-level positions. Several studies have confirmed that a 'think manager, think male' bias helps to maintain the glass ceiling (Schein, 2001). Because the stereotypic attributes of a typical manager overlap considerably with the typical man…show more content…
We do not put our total cognitive effort in many situations. Thus one important reason we hold stereotypes is that doing so can conserve the cognitive effort that would be required to perceive the person as an individual. We can simply rely on quicker, heuristic-driven processing and use our preconceived beliefs when making behavioral choices. The results of several studies offer support for this view of stereotyping. ( Bodenhausen, 1993; Macre, Milne, & Bodenhausen, 1994). Stereotypes can serve important motivational purposes; in addition to providing us with a sense that we understand the world, they can help us feel positive about our own group identity in comparison to other social…show more content…
For example; a highly intelligent and cultivated person who is also a member of a lower status occupational group. We do not necessarily alter our stereotype about what is typical of members of that group. Instead we categorize such people or are placed into a subtype consisting of people who do not confirm the schema or stereotype ( Richards & Hewstone, 2001). Subtyping acts to protect the stereotype of the group as a whole. (Park, Wolsko, & Judd, 2001). It is only when the person disconfirms the stereotype in a specific way but is otherwise seen as typical that stereotype revision will occur (Locke & Johnston, 2001). When the disconfirming target is seen as atypical of the group as a whole though, stereotypes are not

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