Deep Learning Theory

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encouraging deep learning), quality learning environment (e.g., stimulating a positive classroom milieu), and significance (e.g., promoting meaningful learning). In all these models and students-centered learning theories, the focus is to develop deep learning of knowledge in students for the empowerment of their skills. Other theoretical models of teaching and learning (e.g., expectancy-value theory; Wigfield, 1994; Wigfield & Eccles, 2000) share similar attributes, and they connote and focus on the significance of deep and meaningful knowledge. The quality enhancement in learning concerns to both instructors and learners. Quality learning brings about positive and adaptive attitude, so urging and inculcating in-depth learning is obligatory.…show more content…
A deep learning approach, in terms of motives or strategies, for example, is associated dialectically with personal self-efficacy beliefs for academic learning and a mastery goal orientation (Dupeyrat & Mariné, 2005; Liem, Lau, & Nie, 2008; Midgley et al., 1998; Miller, Greene, Montalvo, Ravindran, & Nicholls,1996; Senko & Miles, 2008; Simons, Dewitte, & Lens, 2004; Sins, van Joolingen, Savelsbergh, & van Hout-Wolters, 2008). The students who use deep approach to learning are, self-efficacious students, for instance, those who engrossed themselves in deep learning for personal development and attentiveness are more intended to deploy in depth hand meaningful approaches in the course of their studies. Course characteristics which can foster a deep approach are, where content is taught in integrated wholes and where knowledge is required to be related to other knowledge (Gibbs, 1992:…show more content…
Students who are disengaged, in contrast, tend to exhibit more maladaptive behaviors in universities, such as adopting work-avoidance goals (Harackiewicz, Barron, Carter, Letho, & Elliot, 1997) and, consequently, expending minimal effort in their learning. These students, similarly, would tend to incline towards superficial motives and utilize habitual strategies in their academic learning (Fenollar, Román, & Cuestas, 2007; Meece, Blumenfeld, & Hoyle, 1988; Phan, 2008). This rationalized interrelation is not surprising, and contend then that learning approaches and their corresponding outcomes (e.g., a preference for mastery goals) are malleable, and predisposition depends, in part, on short-term and long-term goals and there are two main approaches which students adopt to achieve the learning target is shown in

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