Ghana Culture Analysis

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Ghana , the Republic of Ghana, is a unitary presidential constitutional democracy, located in the subregion of West Africa. Spanning a land mass of 238,535 km², Burkina Faso in the north of Ghana .Ghana is bordered by the Ivory Coast in the west , Togo in the east and the Gulf of Guinea and Atlantic Ocean in the south. Culture Aspects of Ghana Language There are eleven languages in Ghana :Akan ethnic languages: Akuapem Twi, Asante Twi, Nzema and Mfantse . Mole-Dagbani ethnic languages: Dagaare Dagbanli and Hausa language. The rest of languages are Kasem, Gonja , Dangme , Ga, and Ewe. English is the language of the state and is widely used as a lingua franca. Religion Christianity is the largest religion in Ghana, with approximately 71.2% of the country's population being members of various Christian denominations as of 2010 census. The religious composition of Ghana in the first post independence…show more content…
Large distance is characterized by inequality between superiors. large power distance is characterized by inequality between superiors and subordinates. small power distance means equality, with prestige and rewards equally shared between superiors and subordinates. Ghana scores high 80% on power distance dimension means that people accept a hierarchical order in which everybody has a place and which needs no further justification. Hierarchy in an organization is seen as reflecting inherent inequalities, centralization is popular, subordinates expect to be told what to do and the ideal boss is a benevolent autocrat Individualism Identifies the extent to which culture emphasizes Collectivist cultures feel a strong association to groups, including family and work units. the individual versus the group. individualist cultures mean value hard work, entrepreneurial risk taking ,and freedom to focus on personal

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