Gender Roles In Sociology

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References Brezina, T. (2000). Are deviants different from the rest of us? Using student accounts of academic cheating to explore a popular myth. Teaching Sociology, 281(1), 71. Retrieved March 20, 2018, from This academic journal provides information on the act of deviance behavior. It explores many different theories about why deviant behaviors occur through the views of sociologist. There is a popular belief that deviant people are different from that “normal” people and this article provides exercises that were done to test the actual myth. In fact, this article points out that deviant behaviors are high within a general…show more content…
This document states the ways gender roles are developed, as well as, how gender roles may be stereotyped. It also provides information on how socialization influences a person’s gender role at an early age within their family (primary groups). Along with how gender roles may be influenced by secondary groups, such as classmates, teachers, and possibly the media. With that being said, it also expresses that cultural values and norms that influence gender roles, as well as, religion. Gender roles are an important issue to cover when trying to produce an ideal society, as gender can be categorized just as, race, social classes, and a person’s status within a society. This type of categorization may lead to discrimination and prejudices, which this document covers. The gender discrimination within the U.S. is also covered and expresses that gender discrimination still continues within the U.S. along with other developed…show more content…
It expresses the importance of culture, as a society could not be built without culture. Furthermore, this chapter describes the differences between material and non material culture items. For instance, it states that nonmaterial culture items includes, the language a society uses, values and beliefs that a society holds, and symbols a society may use. As well as, material items, such as, the clothing or transportation that a society utilizes. This chapter gives great detail of each of the nonmaterial and material culture items, which is beneficial to have when determining what an “ideal society”should look like. In fact, it describes that language can be spoken and written, but provides a percentage of the societies that have written language without writing, with pictures only, or by writing. Additionally, this chapter provides valuable information about formal and informal norms, as well as, expressing how some norms change over time within a
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