Generation Manager Characteristics

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As the globalisation is taking place at a rapid pace, so does the growth of multinational companies. For running and managing these organisations across distance, countries and cultures managers are required. As the competition is growing among the organisations so there arises the need of good leaders who possess the ability to manage and successfully run the organisation for a longer period of time. These leaders will need different skills and strengths, some of the characteristics of next generation managers as discussed below; • Global mindset- Leaders with a strong stock of Global Mindset know about cultures and political and economic systems in other countries and understand how their global industry works (javidan, 2010) they are passionate…show more content…
(Robbins Judge, Millet Boyle, 2013) managers set the goals and use their management skills to guide their team to the right direction, in a smooth and efficient way. • Flexible- good managers know it not about them but for the organisation and people. No two employees are same either in behaviour, attitude etc. therefore a good manager spends time his/her employees and tries to build a working relationship that is tailored to the specific needs of an employee. • Creativity and innovativeness- a multinational manager should possess wider aspect of looking at business and should possess the ability to develop new business ideas by looking into various business environment and apply them in a way that his/her organisation benefits from it. The manager should be ready to adopt new ideas and implement them. • Multitasking- managers often manages companies international business. They are the ones who oversees the complete departments such as sales, finance or marketing that take place for foreign countries. Various employees are managed by them at various geographical locations around the world. Multitasking is an important skill that is required for the successful multinational…show more content…
It is beneficial for both the manager and employee and results in good superior outcomes. Theoretical knowledge helps a lot in learning about the nature of people and organisation and helps the manager in the formulation of the plan as for how to act accordingly so that it does not affect the productivity of the organisation. A good manager who has spent more time in the organisation generally knows the needs and wants of his employees and organisation. Knowledge about the behaviours of people and workplace and applying those in the organisation help in acquiring skills of next generation

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