Free Public Library In India

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1. Introduction: Maharaja Sayaji Rao Gaekward has introduced free compulsory elementary education backed by libraries in 1883 in the district of Baroda and henceforth for the first time in India free public library services were introduced as a system in 1907 and extended to the entire state. It can, therefore, be traced out that 2007 is the centenary year of free public library services in India. 2. Public Libraries Movement in India: Public library is largely regarded as the People’s University. It has tremendous developments in India from the early period to till date at various stages. Most of the Indian states now have free public library services to develop the people of India at different levels. 2.1. Ancient Period (before 1200 AD):…show more content…
Public leaders, scholars and learned societies have realized that the only way to establish and develop a public library system is through legislation. The UNESCO Public Library Manifesto, 1972 stated that the public library should be established under the clear mandate of law, which is substantiated by the IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto 1994. They are - The public library shall in principle be free of charge. The public library is the responsibility of local and national authorities. It must be supported by specific legislation and financed by national and local government. It has to be an essential component of any long-term strategy for culture, information provision, literacy and education. Provision of public library service is the responsibility of the State Government as the subject matter of libraries is relatable to entry 12 of the State List in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India. Public library legislation may be in various forms depending upon the government…show more content…
Objectives: The main objective of the Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation is to promote and support public library movement in the country by providing adequate library services. Objectives of the Foundation may be listed as below: • To promote library movement in the country. • To enunciate a national library policy and to help build up a national library system. • To provide financial assistance to organizations, regional or national engaged in the promotion of library development. • To publish appropriate literature and to act as a clearing house of ideas and information on library development in India and abroad. • To advise the government on all matters pertaining to the library development in the country. • To propagate the adoption of library legislation in the country. 7. Conclusion: Public library services have been expanded to serve the local people, but after 60 years of independence India, public libraries could not be administered and managed with the clear mandate of law in many states of India. The Public libraries and community information centers are to give and help local community to acquire information from various

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