Four Year College Essay

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In the future, I want to attend a four-year college. Education is important to me, and I it makes me capable of interpreting things, among other things. As a first generation college student, I hope to receive an education that will empower to make knowledgeable decisions in my personal and academic life. I will obtain my master’s degree in Computer Science and Economics, because computers will lead the way of the future, and will affect the global economy. They are the biggest news today, and will be for many years to come. Ever since I was a little toddler, I enjoyed computers, and would try out the different programs that were there, because they were fascinating to me. What made more excited about computers was during my tenure in high school. I was given the opportunity to take an introductory course in creating an iOS app based on a college curriculum of physics at Lehman College. After taking this class,…show more content…
I plan on utilizing my time of attending this school to the fullest extent possible. Using the services offered to help me, which include: computer workshops, sitting in a computer science introductory course, or volunteering my time at the ITS center at the college. I also hope to seek an internship (unpaid or paid) to help me cover the funds to secure different supplies that will help in my future success and job etiquette. Also, economics will become something more exciting after obtaining research positions and internships, where I can explore other opportunities of excelling in the field. Researching will be something that will make me gain networking opportunities and more skills to make me an intelligent individual. After graduate school, I plan on applying my knowledge of Computer Science to help the medical field. One way is through the use of coding to create new technologies to detect Down syndrome in fetal development, and finding cures for genetic defects such as brain tumors,
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