Are We Going To College Stephanie Sawhill Analysis

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Are we going to college? College is a place that people believe that they have to attend in order to have a successful life. In reality there are many different options that a person is able to do that doesn’t involve going to college. In the essay “Should everyone go to College”, the author’s Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill argue that a person should not go to college for many different reasons. The authors are very bias in their opinion about going to college. Being a college student is a choice and one a person should not be taken lightly. When a person graduates from high school that said person can either going into the work force right away or go away to school. There are many reasons why the authors believe that a person should not go to college. One of their arguments is about the money that you lose going into college. Second is the picking of a major that a student should use to get a job after school. Third and…show more content…
The money that college costs is a small fortune for most families. The average college student gives up the chances of possibly make 30,000 after high school graduation by going into the work force. With a one year of college under your belt you can only add 3,000 dollars to that amount, then if you go to school for four years then you add 12,000 to the 30,000 made when you just have a high school degree. The average of the data really is not that big of a difference than the original amount that is made. But even with all that money that could be made you really lose because if you go to college most students do not know that you don’t have to take out student loans that you have to pay back to the government. Students will take that money will be in debt from going to school with what was supposed to help you have a better life when it is just setting you up to fail. The student loan debt in America since 2010 it is 1 trillion dollars that has to be paid

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